Monday, January 29, 2018
Monday, July 24, 2017
Oinsá Governu Dahituk Timor-Leste Sei Forma Depois Resultadu Eleisaun?
Josh Trindade
Depois de STAE anunsia rezultadu ikus kona ba Eleisaun Parlamentár
2017 iha madrugada loron Segunda dia 24 de Jullu 2017 iha ne’ebe P-FRETILIN
hetan kadeira 23 (34.51%), P-CNRT hetan kadeira 22 (34.28%), P-PLP ho kadeira 8
(12.31%), P-PD ho kadeira 7 (11.39%) no KHUNTO ho kadeira 5 (7.48%), Timoroan
tomak husu pergunta barak kona ba oinsá governu dahituk sei forma depois de
Governu Timor Leste ba dala hitu (Dahituk) sei forma tuir Senáriu
sira hanesan tuir mai.
Senáriu dahuluk - Governu Unidade Nasionál (GUN). Katak partidu
hotu (FRETILIN, CNRT, PLP, PD, KHUNTO) sei kaer governu hamutuk. Iha kontestu
Timor-Leste, ida ne’e buat diak tanba durante ne’e ita hare ezisténsia husi
povu Timor-Leste hakarak hare unidade (ta’uk konfrontasaun) tanba opozisaun ba
Timoroan sira ligadu ho konflitu no funu. Iha nasaun barak, governu unidade nasionál
sei forma hodi prevene funu-civil. Iha Timor-Leste agora la’ós iha situasaun
ida ne’e nia laran. Entaun GUN laos opsaun ba Timor-Leste hodi forma Governu
Dahituk. Iha sorin seluk, mundu tomak sei hamnasa ba Timor-Leste se sira hare
partidu boot rua ho partidu kiik sira lalin malu ba kaer governu. Nune’e mós
GUN sei hamate valor sira no pratika demokrasia ne’ebé konsagra iha Konstituisaun RDTL tanba
demokrasia ezije cheks and balances
husi parte rua. Nune’e GUN sei iha parte ida deit tanba sei la iha opozisaun.
Senáriu daruak – Governu Grande FRETILIN ho CNRT. Opsaun ida
ne’e mós la favorese tanba rasaun sira iha leten, no mundu sei hamnasa hare
partidu bo’ot rua forma koligasaun. Ida ne’e la’ós pratika normal iha lalauk
demokrasia nian.
Senáriu datoluk – Governu FRETILIN ho koligasaun entre PLP
no PD. Koligasaun entre partidu tolu ne’e sei hetan asentu 38 iha parlamentu. Se
ita hare fali figura sira husi partidu tolu ne’e maka Mari Alkatiri (MA), Taur
Matan Ruak (TMR) no Mariano Asanami Sabino (MAS). Iha problema hirak hasoru
koligasaun ida ne’e, pergunta kona ba se maka sei sai Primeiru Ministru? Iha parte
seluk, PLP sempre kontra servisu sira iha ZEEMS nian. Posibilidade bele iha maibé
susar uitoan tanba prioridade PLP la’ós mega projetu sira hanesan ZEEMS.
Senáriu dahaat – Governu FRETILIN ho koligasaun entre PLP no
KHUNTO. Rasaun hanesan Senáriu datoluk.
Senáriu dalimak – Governu FRETILIN ho koligasaun entre PD no
KHUNTO. Koligasaun ida ne’e sei hetan asentu 35 iha Uma Fukun. Pergunta mak ne’e.
Bele ka lae MA no MAS konkorda malu, tanba KHUNTO laiha problema ho MA ou MAS.
Senáriu danen – Governu FRETILIN ho koligasaun entre PLP, PD
no KHUNTO. Ida ne’e sei la akontese tanba rasaun sira iha Senáriu datoluk.
Senáriu dahituk – Governu CNRT ho koligasaun entre PLP no PD.
Koligasaun ida ne’e sei hetan asentu 37 iha Uma Fukun. Senáriu ida iha
posibilidade bo’ot tanba TMR, MAS iha esperiénsia servisu hamutuk ho Xanana Gusmão
(XG) iha tempu pasadu. Iha deferénsia uitoan kona a programa sira entre partidu
tolu ne’e, maibé ida ne’e ladún sai hanesan obstákulu boot.
Senáriu daualuk – Governu CNRT ho koligasaun entre PLP no KHUNTO.
Koligasaun ida ne’e sei hamosu asentu 35 iha Parlamentu. Iha posibilidade bo’ot
Senáriu dasiak – Governu CNRT ho koligasaun entre PD no
KHUNTO. Koligasaun ida ne’e sei hamosu asentu 34 iha Uma Fukun. Posibilidade bo’ot
tanba personalidade sira husi partidu tolu ne’e bele servisu hamutuk.
Senáriu dasanuluk – Governu CNRT ho koligasaun entre PLP, PD
no KHUNTO. Koligasaun ida ne’e sei hetan asentu 42 iha Uma Fukun, no
posibilidade bo’ot tanba rasaun sira esplika ona iha leten.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Foho Matebian: My Favorite Stories
Josh Trindade
These are my childhood stories about Mount Matebian in
Timor-Leste during the time of Indonesia invasion. The events happened around late 1979. I must have been aged 4 or 5. I still remember vividly walking up Matebian through Buibela-Lena (from the
Uatolari side). The mountain itself is the second highest in the island and a heaven's gate to the local population.
First favourite,
Second favourite,
Third favourite,
Fourth favourite,
Fifth favourite,
Sixth favourite,
Seventh favourite,
Eighth favourite,
Ninth favourite,
When we left the mountain in the end, some families had to leave
behind their elderly, who were not able walk themselves. They left them a
little bag of utubi and a bottle of water. There was plan to leave behind my
maternal grandmother, but then when my sister found out, she also refused to
leave the mountain insisting to stay behind with grandma. In the end, my family
had to leave them behind and picked them up a week later, after we brought down
all our belongings. My grandmother passed away later after five years in
Tenth favourite,
Heard entire family (several of them) were buried alive when
the bomb hit the rock on top of their cave and covered the cave entrance.
Eleventh favourite,
Was sad to see my dearest cousin, Sikumau who fought for FALINTIL
(Timorese Resistance Army) got shot by the Indonesian Army. He got hit in
the eye and died instantly. This happen right at the base of Beremeta, the peak
of mount Matebian.
Twelfth favourite,
At 'Soru-iluwai' (gathering spit) you have to pick a rock,
spit on it and throw it on to the existing pile of rocks. Failing to do this
will bring misfortune. This pile of rocks or soru-iluwai is apparently
one of the seven graves of the 'Matebian Mane Hitu' (seven brothers of
mount Matebian) who according to the myth, were the original owners of the
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
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